Technology Portfolio Ranking

Uncover the value of your IP portfolio

“The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius in the discovery and production of new and useful things."

Abraham Lincoln


By combining hundreds of millions of documents generated from billions of data points, we help you identify the emerging technologies that will define the business of the future.


We use global data sources but can also incorporate custom data sets for a more complete and tailored analysis.


Proprietary algorithms allow us to uncover unique insights into these technologies and predict their path to full-scale commercialization.


If you have developed an extensive catalog of intellectual property over the years, some of it may be viable for commercialization.


We can analyze your entire patent portfolio and tell you what IP has value to the outside world and how much it might be worth.


We can help you identify the valuable IP in your portfolio and either help find partners to monetize it or determine which IP to maintain legal protection over and which to let expire.

There's much more to discuss.
Let's talk.

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